Monday, October 24, 2016

Children and Conditioned Beliefs

"You need to work hard to succeed in life". How many of you believe in this statement?

I do not believe in it.

Does one have to put in a lot of effort to make the boat go downstream? You just need basic skill set to stay away from the rocks and stay on-stream.

The efforts are needed when you are going against the flow. Hard work is needed when you are going against the Cosmic flow.

So when we tell our children that hard work is needed to succeed in life, what are we bringing their focus upon? Their focus is on the success that will come in life. That success becomes the goal.

I want to be a teacher. I want to be a doctor. I want to be an engineer. I want to be a pilot.

These are all goals, and achieving them is what defines their success in life.

But what if the soul had pre-birth, planned to be a horticulturist in this birth and not an engineer?

Are you judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree?

We need to teach our children to learn to go with the flow. We need to teach them to connect to their deeper, Higher Self and follow the guidance that comes through.

I know parents who believe that their child must have homework everyday from school. Because this gives them the satisfaction that their child is working hard.

Parents of children as little as 5 years or 6 years have started sending their children for tuition for class subjects, as this means that their child is working hard.

I also know parents who micro manage each and every minute of their child with some or the other activity, leaving no space for 'free time' or 'connecting time'.

Isn't this the age for the children to play and discover?

Isn't 'hardwork' versus play, the case made against child labor?

How much free time do you give your child to connect with their deeper, purer selves through creative activities and free time?

How much have you taught your child about the ways to connect with their Higher Selves? Have you guided them in this direction? Have you informed them that they have loads of help in the form of Angels and other Light Beings who can help them in their daily tasks, both physical as well as emotional?

Perhaps its time to re-check the conditioned beliefs that we are carrying over from our childhood and are forcing upon these new age children.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pets and Children

Children have an innate need to copy the action of their parents.

We see that very often don't we - When your child wants to wear your shoes and walk around? Or they want to pretend play with their kitchen sets, doctor sets, tool kits, shopping trolleys and so on.

They like to act out being the mother or father - and I have seen both girls and boys copying their parents, and enacting them in their play.

When they enact their roles as mother or father, wouldn't it be great if their pretend child responded to their love and affection? What if their pretend child also became their best friend?

A pet can help bring out the nourishing and tender love and care tendencies of a child, as the child gets a response to the love and affection they shower upon their pet.

Of course your pet has to be treated like a family member and not like a 'guard' or a 'toy' and neither must the child allowed to be rough with the pet.

If you have a happy, balanced relation with your pet, your child is going to love being with her/ him and it is going to have great benefits on both of their emotional and mental states.

Often the pet can be a savior as well. There was a time when my daughter used to eat only if I fed her while she fed the dog. And my dog also ate only when fed by my daughter :)

So getting a pet is great for your child as long as you are able to take good care of your pet!

[And by the way, please Adopt, Don't Buy Pets. There are many that are waiting for a great home and they are out on the streets or in an animal rescue center]

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Speed of Learning in Babies and Toddlers

I have seen many parents fret and sometimes even smack their children for not learning (read as: 'Learning late in comparison to their peers'). Thees kids could be as young as 2 to 3 years.

To these parents I ask, have you seen an adult or even an older child of lets say 10 years, who does not know their ABCs?

The kids will eventually learn. Instead of focusing on what they are not learning at the speed of their peers, why not concentrate on what they are learning with interest?

Iya, my elder daughter, (now aged 5), was a very fast learner. She knew to write her capital ABCs at age 2 and her countings till hundred by the first half of 3rd year. She used to love books as a baby, and we very rarely had torn books at home.

However, Anika (aged 1) is not as fond of books as Iya was at this age. She likes to tear up the pages. But this does not make her any less smarter than Iya.

Iya and Anika are 2 different personalities and they both will learn all that they have to learn in this lifetime in Divine Perfect Timing.

If I start fretting that Anika is not showing interest in books or painting as Iya did, then I am not allowing Anika's personality to shine through.

So what are you doing with your children? Are you allowing their personality to shine through or are you keeping your child under the shadow of someone else whose personality may seem bright to you?

Give your child the freedom to explore themselves and their interests. Give them the time to explore themselves.

As I read in a book titled 'The Soul Song', the author, Mana has written that when the children are occupied in busy-ness all the time, they are left with no time to connect to the Divine within them. They need time to be creative. They need time to explore themselves.

Can we give them that time? Can we give them that space? Can we give them that freedom of expression?

Awaken to your Divine Assignment

Many of you may find your children different from the previous generations. We always hear people saying that their 2 year or 3 year old knows how to use the mobile phone or turn the TV on, or that they are much smarter in something else in comparison to what they were at that age. They feel great pride in saying it.
In fact, it is true. Children today are children of the New Age. They have come here on Earth, many from different dimensions, to help Earth in this great period of evolution. In the spiritual language, this evolution is called Ascension, or the rise in consciousness.

These children are the bringers of the new energies, the energies that have their base in love.
Our generation and the previous generations have fed on the energy of fear. Parents have very commonly used fear strategies to get their children to eat, do their homework, sleep on time and basically toe the line. Remember hearing ‘Eat now or I’ll call the cop’, ‘Don’t go there, there is a monster there’ and so on? Parents, grandparents, great grandparents have all lived on the energies of fear and its accompanying emotions of anger, jealousy and hatred. Remember the racial discrimination? Or the discrimination based on religion, region, cast? Or about the jealous feeling when one sees a friend buying a new expensive car or house? Or anger, which doesn’t even require examples.

The new age children have come to help earth rise above these harmful and detrimental emotions so that Earth can evolve into the higher dimension which is based on Love and Joy.

Think about it, amusement parks have a jam packed ‘Haunted House’, but how many amusement parks have a ‘God House or a Miracle house’?

We think it is phenomenal that in the whole Universe we are the only planet that has life, and that the humans here are above everything and everyone else.

The truth is that there is life on many other star systems in the Universe and many of those systems are highly evolved compared to Earth. They have been watching over us and protecting us for millenniums.

Now many are sending souls from their dimensions on Earth, to help Earth rise.

Most children on Earth today are Masters in baby bodies.

Masters of Love and compassion, Masters of our innate ability to connect with the Divine within us and all around us.

 Just like the wave of an ocean, they have come upon Earth to clear away the old, outdated thought patterns and bring in freshness, simplicity and natural-ness.

With this mighty agenda, they chose you as their parents even before they were born. They chose you because they saw that you could be the one to give them the experiences they need, to bring out their True Selves – their Shining Truth.

If you believe in this, then it’s time for you to wake up. It’s time for you to tune-in to your own Divine Self and the Divinity in your child.

It’s time to stop talking. It’s time to start listening.

It’s time to stop struggling. It’s time to go with the flow.

 It’s time to stop doing. It’s time to allow the Divine Will to happen through you.

It’s time to stop thinking. It’s time to start believing.

When you take one step towards the Eternal Truth, the Eternal Truth will take 10 steps towards You.

Awaken Dear Parents to the responsibility of your Divine Assignment – the assignment of bringing up your Divine Child in the ways of the New Energy Age.